"Board" of Subscriptions
Before I talk about anything else, I feel the need to maintain the theme of this month – subscription renewals. We have just completed the second round of phone calls, with the deadline to renew coming up next Friday, June 30th. I won’t say too much more about them, because I’m sure that by now you know quite enough…but if you haven’t already please do let us know if you will be renewing for next season’s amazing lineup of concerts!
One of my favourite parts of this co op placement has been working with different members of the GBS Board of Directors, and I have been lucky enough to attend some of their board meetings over the last few months, including one this week. When you think of the Symphony, you probably wouldn’t immediately think about finances, marketing, web design or strategic planning. However, these are exactly the types of things that the board does such a great job focusing on. Community orchestras are difficult to maintain in this time, unfortunately, so it is very impressive that the GBS is able to continue making beautiful music for you. Over the last decade, many community orchestras in North America have failed due to lack of planning, or their management not understanding the changing needs of the audience. You can rest assured that the GBS is in safe hands, as these are all issues that they are well aware of and are working hard to prevent. In a lot of ways, this organization is miles ahead of others like it, especially when it comes to web presence. Organizations like this one need to be able to constantly adapt to changes in their environment if they are to survive, changes like the growing dependency on social media. From what I have seen and experienced during my time here, it is clear to me that the people involved with the GBS are able to take each of these changes in their stride to promote a successful community orchestra.