Georgian Bay Symphony Code of Conduct
Georgian Bay Symphony Statement of Values:
The Georgian Bay Symphony is an inclusive, welcoming community of musicians who play together for the love of music. As a community, we treat all members with respect and dignity. We uphold the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Ontario Health and Safety Act. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of ancestry, citizenship, race, place of origin, colour, creed/religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, or disability. We do not tolerate racial or sexual harassment. We maintain a safe space for all members of our community.
The Georgian Bay Symphony provides an opportunity for musicians of all ages and backgrounds to perform orchestral repertoire and improve their musicianship. We endeavour to bring our audience together to enjoy classical and contemporary music played by musicians who live in our community.
Code of Conduct:
In order to support our statement of values, we require members of the Georgian Bay Symphony including musicians, volunteers, and board members, to adhere to our code of conduct and refrain from the following:
Abusive language towards a staff member, musician or volunteer
Discourtesy or rudeness to a musician, volunteer or board member
Verbal, physical or visual harassment of musician, volunteer or staff member
Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group
Bullying or any other aggressive behaviour toward a musician, volunteer or board member
Excessive, inappropriate, and/or disruptive talking during rehearsals and/or concerts
Racial and/or sexual harassment
Any breaches of the code of conduct shall be reported to the player representative, board member, or Chair of the Board of Directors.